The Rules

Learn the ins and outs of Scratchball Billiards to play at home.


ScratchBall has one basic rule. Scratch the cue ball. Both beginners and pros find it fun and challenging. When learning ScratchBall, concentrate on the scratch not pocketing an object ball.

As a "ball-in-hand" sport, after each scratch, place the cue ball anywhere on the table. Pocketing an object ball with a scratch accumulates point. Calling a trickshot is a strategy for gaining bonus points. A little warning, calling a trickshot can be dangerous as one loses their turn if the trickshot fails.

Fail to scratch and your inning ends. The next player approaches the billiard table and plays the cue ball as it sets. A scratch even without pocketing an object ball will give you a "ball-in-hand" to set up your next play. Don’t have a good shot? Scratch the cue ball again to set yourself up.

Rack 8 or 9 ball style using a standard triangle with the apex ball on the foot spot. Break from behind the head string.

Scoring & Play

  • Scratch & fail to sink a ball = 0 pts + continue your turn
  • Scratch & sink a counter ball = 5 pts per ball + continue your turn
  • Scratch & sink the dead ball = 10 pts + continue your turn
  • Scratch & make a trickshot = double the points of the pocketed balls
  • Fail to scratch = end your turn + 1 pt per counter ball
  • Fail to scratch & sink dead ball = 0 pts + end your turn
  • Foul = subtract 5 pts + end your turn
  • Score cannot go below 0


  • Failure to scratch ends your turn.
  • Committing a foul ends your turn.
  • When dead ball is object ball, failure to pocket the dead ball ends your turn.

Rules During a Setup Shot

  • The cue ball cannot go into the same pocket as the object ball on a setup shot unless it is a called trickshot. Pocketing the object ball and cue ball in the same pocket ends your turn and get 0 points for that shot.
  • The dead ball cannot be the object ball on a setup shot. If the dead ball becomes the object ball, your turn ends and lose any points gained during that inning.
  • If the dead ball is pocketed by an object ball on a setup shot and you scratch, count the 10 points and continue playing.
  • The cue ball cannot touch an object ball when placing the cue ball on the table unless it is a called trickshot. It must stay at least 1 inch away from an object ball.

End Game

  • When 1 or 0 balls are left on the table through foul or pocketing of the balls, the game ends.

For additional rules, tricks and tips, download the full Official Scratchball Billiards instructions.



  • Bank

    Hitting the object ball into the cushion.
  • Call Shot

    Announcing where you plan to pocket the cue and object ball.
  • Counter ball

    All balls except the cue ball and the dead ball.
  • Dead Ball

    The red ball with regulation colors or the 8-ball with a standard set of pool balls.
  • Draw

    Giving the cue ball backspin so contact with the object ball reverses the direction of the cue ball.
  • Duck

    Real easy shot. A ball that is on the edge of a pocket ready to fall in
  • Follow

    Giving the cue ball top spin so it will follow the object ball.
  • Foul

    Failure to hit a ball, when a ball jumps off the table or scratching without touching an object ball.
    • Jump

      Special shot where cue ball goes over the top of another ball or prop.
    • Massé

      Giving the cue ball extreme spin by elevation the cue.
    • Object ball

      The first ball hit by the cue ball.
    • Props

      Items placed on the table to execute a trickshot such as cues, bridge, rack, coin, dollar bill or chalk, etc.
    • Scratch

      Sink the cue ball into a table pocket.
    • ScratchBall Trickshot

      A call shot that includes english, multiple banks or special setup and include a scratch. Props can be used as long as they do not disturb the balls on the table.
    • Setup Shot

      The shot following a scratch.
    • Stalemate

      After 3 sudden deaths and the score is still tied.
    • Sudden Death

      End game to break a tie.


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